These are a few of my favorite things

In the living room, with my feet up, reading the newspaper. This almost never actually happens.

Cherry-picking through Sunday Stealing, again. This one is from July 3:

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
The Muppets.

2. What book are you reading?
I’m slogging through a book written by a colleague, which I may soon abandon altogether.

3. Favorite board game?
I’d say SCRABBLE. But don’t you actually have to PLAY it occasionally for it to be your favorite? Backgammon and SORRY.

4. Favorite magazine?
I start reading a magazine, then the next one comes before I finish the first, and I end up with a pile of half-read, quickly dated periodicals. I don’t really read them anymore.

I find Newsweek’s new “hip” style annoying and journalistically thin. I usually switch back and forth between it and TIME.
I suppose, by default, Entertainment Weekly, which I skim more than read.

5. Favorite smells?
Freshly baked bread, or pastries generally. Lilac bushes, which remind me of the one adjacent to my home of 18 years in Binghamton, NY.

6. Favorite sounds?
Depends on the need. It can be white noise, to sleep. I love water, generally, from brooks to waterfalls. And, of course, there are all sorts of music.

7. Worst feeling in the world?
The realization that you have really messed up something that was very important to someone else. This tends to be at the personal, not work, level.

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
What time is it? Can I roll over and go back to sleep?

9. Favorite fast food place?
Wendy’s, maybe because it’s less ubiquitous around here than Mickey D’s or BK.

10. What’s under your bed?
My slippers, and clothes my wife stores.

11. Finish this statement. “If I had a lot of money I’d….?
Have to pull out the list. It depends on the definition of “a lot”. There are so many charities: food pantries, the Red Cross – the demand for their services is only going to increase. But also the arts.

12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Well, not sleep WITH.

13. Storms – cool or scary?
Depends on whether I’m safely indoors or not.

14. Favorite drink?
I like mixed drinks; orange and cranberry juice, milk and Kaluaha…

15. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”?
Actually watch all the shows I DVR, rather than record and eventually delete.

16. If you had to dye your hair another color, what would be your choice?
Green, of course.

17. Favorite place to relax?
In the living room, with my feet up, reading the newspaper. This almost never actually happens.

18. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?
Binghamton, Kingston, New Paltz, Jackson Heights (Queens), Schenectady, Albany, NY. Charlotte, NC.

19. Favorite sports to watch?
I can always watch baseball because I can read or do other things at the same time.

20. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Well, only if I could remember the mistakes, so I could go make new ones!

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