
Just after my birthday this year, after all the various members of my family were sick, and my wife had, a few days earlier, taken a tumble in the bathtub, appeared an obituary in the local newspaper for someone named Carol A. Green, which is my wife’s name. This woman was 48, a couple years older than my wife, had four brothers (Carol had three). There were other facts that suggested that it wasn’t my Carol (the deceased Carol’s parents were deceased, she had had a lengthy illness, she lived in East Greenbush – across the river, and she was apparently Roman Catholic.)

That’s not as bizarre, though, as something that happened four and a half years ago. I was away at a conference when Carol, pregnant with Lydia, got two sympathy cards regarding the passing of her husband Roger. Since she was reasonably assured that I was not deceased at the time, she was as confused as she was startled. Turns out that a Roger Greene (with the e at the end) had died in this area and that he had a wife named Carol. The folks sending the cards got our address from the phone book. So we just sent the cards back to the senders with an explanation.

In any case, condolences to the family of Carol A. Green, to whom I am not related.

Another Equinox-Driven ASK ROGER ANYTHING

I’ve seen this recently at the electronic homes of Messrs. Jaquandor and Scooter, with me contributing a question or two (or three…), and so now now it’s my turn to ask youse guys to ask me, well, anything. And I have to answer them. With the truth, not necessarily the WHOLE truth, but nothing but the truth.

You could ask: “Heyyy, didn’t spring USED to be on March 21, not March 20?” and I’ll say, Why, yes it did!

How am I feeling about a 260,000-square-foot Wal-Mart near Albany, the “retailer’s largest in the U.S.”? Yuck!

You ask me for the shortest Bible verse, and I’d say, “John 11:35”.

It’s all up to you. Post the questions in the comments, or e-mail me at the address in the side bar. Sometime before the end of the month, I’ll answer ’em all. ROG

Iraq Plus Five

I’m not quite sure what more there is to say. Just this month, there was a study discounting the Saddam Hussein/Al-Qaeda link. This follows this 2007 report, which merely confirms what the 9/11 Commission said back in 2004. I won’t even talk about the expense, which is now calculated in the TRILLIONS of dollars.

Here’s a website tracking the casualties. Let us pray that we’re NOT there for another hundred years.
I need to write more on this, but let me say that I really liked Obama’s speech on race.


The 123 Meme

From Jaquandor, again.

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

Well, I happened to be in the public library so I went to the nearest shelf, which happens to have been the 7-day loan fiction, i.e. recent popular fiction, and got Street Love: A Triple Crown Anthology (2007). From The Fink, by Quentin Carter:
Not bionic. Not super. Just lil ole Shania Freeman.

Eh, try again. Nikki Turner presents Street Chronicles: Tales from da Hood (2006). From the story 360 by The Ghost:
The two agents walked out the door. They’d gotten what they wanted. Cojack’s mother kissed him on the cheek, sat down with him for a while, then headed home to get some rest.”

Well, that was better. One more time: The Lost Diary of Don Juan by Douglas Carlton Abrahams(2007):
My interest today, however, was in only one daughter, and from what I had seen, she was hardly defenseless.
The Marquis’s palace was an enormous brown stone edifice with three curved balconies and many large windows surrounded by decorative columns. Two guards stood by the door, and over their clothes they wore the sleeveless blue tunic that bore the Marquis’s coat of arms, with a castle and lion embroidered in gold.

OK, consider yourselves tagged if you haven’t posted in the past 33 days.

An Irish Blessing

(Found here)

From JEOPARDY!, Thursday, May 17, 2007
The largest art theft in U.S. history was at 1:24 a.m. on this date in 1990, while Boston slumbered after partying.
Apparently, there could have been some ethno-theological near-catastrophe going on today: St. Patrick’s Day arrived during Holy Week. This convergence hasn’t happened since 1940, when the wearing of the green collided with Palm Sunday, and before that, 1913, with the holiday on Monday of the sacred period. Of course, Albany, with its large Irish Catholic population, had its parade, check that, PARADES and The St. Patrick’s Day mass, which CANNOT, apparently, be substituted for one of the Holy Week masses, on Saturday. So there can be time for both the saints AND the sinners, who, of course, are usually the same people.

Naturally, every day is St. Patrick’s Day for me; with a name like Roger O’Green, how can it be otherwise?

So my friend Mary sent me some appropriate factoids from something called FITNET:

There is a factoid floating around that Coca-Cola was originally green. To the best of my research this is false and would fall under the category of urban legend. Although the concoction was at one time sold in green bottles. Maybe the rumor was related to the position the company takes on the environment.

“Lord, keep my memory green.” -Charles Dickens

“Research is a scientific activity dedicated to discovering what makes grass green.” -Russell Baker

“A stockbroker urged me to buy a stock that would triple its value every year. I told him, ‘At my age, I don’t even buy green bananas.'” -Claude Pepper

“Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting?” -Ray Kroc

“Do not call for black power or green power. Call for brain power.” -Barbara Jordan

“If you can sell green toothpaste in this country, you can sell opera.” -Sarah Caldwell

“I was the toast of two continents: Greenland and Australia.” -Dorothy Parker

“It’s not easy being green.” -Kermit the Frog
The JEOPARDY! question: What is March 18? (Check the time!)


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