

I think about perspective a lot, and Bellflower is a good example. It was at my daughter’s college just after her birthday, when two of her friends and her parents visited her on campus.

There was a craft show near the library. More accurately, it was a collective of artistic and literary items. One person packaged mystery packages of books; I said I had enough unread tomes.

Then I came to this item. The creator said it was a flower. But it was upside down and looked like a bell with a handle.

I had promised myself not to buy things I didn’t need. The countervailing sentiment was that I wanted to support young creatives. After perusing all the tables, I returned to the Bellflower table, only to discover that the one I wanted had sold. There were similar items, but I really wanted that particular color combination.

Oh well.

Wait, they could custom-make another one in a few weeks. Well, all right then. When we picked up the daughter from college at the end of the semester, the last stop was to pick up Bellflower.

The first container is my political button buttons jar because naturally, I have one. Or more than one. Okay, maybe it looks like a flower.

But on my hemisphere change bank, it’s a bell for sure.

I think it’s incredibly difficult to see things in different ways when another point of view makes no sense whatsoever. Yet one tries, even when it involves standing on one’s head.

Ramblin' with Roger
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