Word of the Day: Scrablize

Word of the Day

The Word of the Day guy, Anu Garg, wrote about how he loved the game SCRABBLE when he was a kid. This led him to create the game Scrablize.

My aunt Deana (1908-1966) played SCRABBLE with me a lot, from when I was in first grade, c. 1959 until she died. I learned to love the game, though I haven’t played it in over a decade.

A more obsessive Anu has an even more compelling story, which you should read. The relevant part is only 300 words long.

“Last year, I started wondering what if there’s a way to arrange any text into a Scrabble-like grid. So I created Scrablize.

“You give it any text, names of your family members or the full-text of ‘Romeo and Juliet.” It will return you the words in a beautiful grid.” I tried it with the names of my family members, which was fun. And sharable.

“Give it a try, and let me know what you think. It’s a work-in-progress, so any bugs and suggestions are most welcome. It works in dozens of languages.”

The text I used for this post should be familiar to most Americans. In the tradition of old Marvel Comics, there will be a No-Prize for the first person who can identify it.

By the way, I think Scrablize works better with the one B he used than with two for various reasons, including as a pronunciation guide.

Ramblin' with Roger
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