Movies I’ve seen more than once in theaters

Le Roi de cœur

There are only a handful of movies I’ve seen more than once in theaters.  These are chronologically by the second time I saw the film.

Midnight Cowboy (1969).  Why? Because I had different combinations of friends who wanted to see it. I believe I watched it four times in a little over a year. My favorite part has to be the possibly improvised “I’m walking here!” which I have used on occasion.

Everybody’s Talkin’ – Harry Nillson

Woodstock (1970). A group of my friends saw it, and then, because they didn’t chase you out of the theater in those days, we watched it again. I recall the light projecting to the screen when Sly and The Family Stone performed was purple.

Soul Sacrifice– Santana

Help! (1965) I saw this when it first came out. In college, I saw all four Beatles movies – A Hard Day’s Night, Help, Yellow Submarine,  and Let It Be – on the same day.

Ticket To Ride – The Beatles

Le Roi de cœur (King of Hearts – 1966) played approximately annually at a movie theater in New Paltz. “During World War I, a British private [Alan Bates], sent ahead to a French town to scout for enemy presence, is mistaken for a King by the colorful patients of an insane asylum.” I saw it at least thrice, only partly because of Geneviève Bujold.

The theatrical trailer

“Damn dirty apes!”

Planet Of The Apes (1968) – Once again, I was watching all of the movies of a franchise, in this case, all five of the PotA that came out from 1968-1973, after having seen the original when it first came out. At a drive-in in 1974; I fell asleep during the fifth one.


Annie Hall (1977) – There are a couple of things about the character of Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) which is true of me. One is that I hate going to a movie late because I fear missing something. (Additionally, my night vision is terrible in finding a seat after the lights go out.)

It’s also true that I have internal conversations with myself and wish I could pull Marshall McLuhan out from the crowd to dispel some fallacy.

Seems Like Old Times – Diane Keaton

Ramblin' with Roger
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