Ask Roger about Gooey Swedish Cake

a little bit more cooked than not

gooeyI’m regularly asking you to Ask Roger Anything. And I will.

Before that, though, I figure I should GIVE you something. A few months ago, ,a href=”” target=_new>Arthur suggested, “Maybe you could try cooking recipes you haven’t before and posting a photo and then talk about it?” Well, no picture, but here’s a recipe for Gooey 6-Ingredient Swedish Cake from one of my nieces.

Just over ½ cup, or 1¼ sticks salted butter
½ cups cocoa powder unsweetened
1¾ cups sugar
1 cup plain flour (wee bit less than a full cup)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs lightly whisked

Pre-heat the oven to 350F. Line/grease the bottom of a 7-9 inch springform cake pan.
Melt the butter in a medium saucepan, then take off the heat and set aside.
Add the cocoa, sugar, flour, and vanilla to the butter and stir a little. Then add the eggs and stir everything together until well combined.
Pour the mixture into the cake pan and bake for 20 to 25 minutes until the top is set but the center is still gooey (the top should be firm but crack under a little pressure from your finger). (We generally favored it a little bit more cooked than not)
Let the cake cool in the pan, then run a knife between the pan and the cake to loosen it and remove sides from pan. Dust generously with cocoa powder or powdered sugar and serve warm with ice cream or cream.

Now back to our regularly scheduled blog post

Ask Roger Anything is that thing I post regularly. Occasionally, I receive questions that have really stumped me. Or made me kind of uncomfortable. Or forced me to contemplate things I didn’t want to contemplate. MORE, MORE! I’ll generally reply to your questions in the next month.

As usual, you can leave any of your questions and/or suggestions, in the comments section of this blog or on Facebook or Twitter; for the latter, my name is ersie. Always look for the duck.

If you prefer to remain anonymous, that is acceptable. However, you need to SAYE THAT specifically. E-mail me at rogerogreen (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or send me an IM on FB and note that you want to be unnamed; otherwise, I’ll assume you want me to make you as famous, or gooey, as Betty Crocker.

Ramblin' with Roger
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