MLB-the next round

I said the Yankeees would lose to the Angels.
I said the Padres didn’t have a prayer.

That’s the good news.

To my credit, I DID say Houston-Atlanta would be the trickiest of the four.
Boston’s loss didn’t surprise me, but the sweep did. I think I gave the BoSox extra credit as defending champs, instead of chumps.

I guess I’ll stick with the Angels, although their travel from NYC to LA to CHI worries me greatly.
St. Louis was always my #2 seed, so I see them overcoming Houston in a tough series.

Regardless, the winner of the World Series will come out of the National League.

I realize that that unless the Cardinals take it, the World Series will be won by either a team that has NEVER been in the Fall Classic or by a team that hasn’t been in since the other two teams were created. The Red Sox broke their “curse” last year, so statistically speaking, we have a 75% chance of SOMEBODY breaking their streak of futility.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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