Labor Day 2006

Stealing from myself.
You all right with that?
We went away to visit the in-laws this weekend. Love them; HATE traveling on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, primarily because EVERYONE else is.

Attended this baseball game Friday night in Oneonta. Although it doesn’t show up in the box score, the Oneonta pitcher made a critical mental error in the second inning. The Ironbirds runner was 35 feet off first base, but instead of going towards the runner, the pitcher threw to first base. By the time the first baseman threw to second, the runner was safe at second, and later scored the first Ironbirds run.
It occurred to me that I had a contest, nobody entered, so nobody won. That only means I’ll have to come up with a better contest next time. Meanwhile, the answers:

1. Angelina Jolie’s uncle wrote a #1 hit that came out in 1966. What was it? And who performed it?
Wild Thing, written by Chip Taylor, Jon Voight’s brother, and performed by The Troggs.

2. Based on the number of seasons it was broadcast and its audience size, 60 Minutes is the #1-rated program of all time, according to Brooks and Marsh. What’s #2?
Gunsmoke, 1955-1975.
I’m hoping for actual content tomorrow.

Ramblin' with Roger
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