Job Search

No, not mine.

For whatever reason, I have found myself involved in a number of search committees over the years. I rather like it, but I always feel responsible to the organization to make sure that I’ve done my due diligence.

Here’s some things I’ve learned over the years:

Be on time, or a few minutes early. If they’re scheduling back-to-back interviews, it’s likely that the latecomer will get the short shrift.

If you go into an interview, they ask you what you know about the organization, and you reply, “Not much”, they’ve already decided to pass on you, even if they talk to you another 30 minutes. Look at the website of the company you’re seeking to work for.

Interviewers really like it when you remember their names. Writing them down is O.K., if your memory is poor in that regard (and they have seven people in the room!)

If they tell you they’re hiring for a particular time frame, and you tell them you’re available in that time frame, and then you decline because you’re really not, you’ll tend to really tick off the interviewers for a good long time.

Don’t be surprised to hear the standard interview questions such as, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” You might seriously consider at least mentally preparing an answer for that one.

In general, answer the questions you are asked, rather than the one you want to have asked. But don’t go on too long.

Certain foods should be avoided before an interview, foods that can land on one’s clothes or stay in one’s breath.

If you seem bored at the interview, assume your boredom is contagious.

There’s a subtle difference between looking people in the eye and staring them down; one is good, the other, not so much.

Confident is good; cocky – “I’ve already got THIS job sewed up” – is not.

There are lots of places with Job Interview Tips. Consider actually using them.

Only recently had I heard about Performance Based Interviewing. This includes sample questions that are dependent on the level of the job.
Ed Bradley of “6o Minutes” was cool. No, it’s not because of the earring, or the huge ‘fro he had as a younger reporter.

It was because when the CBS News reporter did certain stories with musicians or other creative people – his piece on Lena Horne was his favorite – you felt the affection he felt for the artist and the respect the artist had for him. Yet he could also do the hard news interviews, such as Timothy McVeigh, with directness and passion. Ed never seemed full of himself, unlike some in the news industry.

Ed Bradley died yesterday at the age of 65, and I’m bummed. Video here.

Ramblin' with Roger
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