7 Deadly Sins Meme

I saw a rainbow on Saturday, which I generally don’t see in January. It was 71 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday, which broke the record on that date in Albany by eleven degrees. Rainbow must be a sign of something…

From Chris Black, who, astonishingly, is even more lazy than I.

Greed: Very Low
Gluttony: Low
Wrath: Low
Sloth: Medium
Envy: Very Low
Lust: Very Low
Pride: Low

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I’m strongest in sloth – interesting. I figured it’d be gluttony or lust. Speaking of sloth, my new favorite waste of time is internet backgammon. Unlike Free Cell, which I play sometimes (and so does my mother, to keep her mind sharp), backgammon is a community game, even if I don’t know who I’m playing with. I learned to play the board game in college, but, save for a couple opportunities, I haven’t had anyone with whom to play. (That’s the same reason I play computer hearts.) I win and lose at about equal number, and it doesn’t seem to matter what level (beginner, intermediate, expert) I play at. But I hate it when they just quit in mid-game without saying goodbye.

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