The Lydster, Part 48: Lydia is Four

Random thoughts for the occasion.

Lots of people say things like, “Can you believe it’s been four years? The time goes by so FAST!” Yes, I believe it’s been four years. I’m never quite sure what I’m supposed to say when folks utter such folk wisdom. Usually, I nod my head and say “Hmmm.”
I’ve been grousing about the early change of the clocks, which may not even save energy. Used to be that when I need Lydia to wake up at 6:20, so we can catch the 7 a.m. bus, I could just raise the shades, and she’d get up. But it’s DARK at what was 5:20 a.m., standard time, in March. She took a couple weeks to adjust to the new time. Heck, I’M still tired in the morning.

She definitely has a pecking order when it comes her playthings. Whereas all of her dolls (most of them called Hannah) used to rule, now it’s the stuffed bears (Elizabeth and TeddyTeddy) and the stuffed lamb. The dolls? “They’re just dolls!”, but the creatures are her “sisters”; very strange.

Lydia is one of the youngest kids in her class and one of the tallest. There may be a boy who’s taller, but he’s several months her senior. She is reasonably well, though she had had a touch of whatever was going around earlier this month. She’s only gained a pound or two in recent months, but is getting harder to lift. She’s been in a real hug and cuddle mood; I hear that this passes, so I shan’t complain.

She’s pretty smart. Some books she reads to me. I don’t think she’s actually reading them as much as reciting from memory based on the pictures, but it’s fun to be read to. She can count to 29; she stubbornly rejected my suggestion for “thirty” in favor of “twenty-ten”. She also knows what the color turquoise is, which I’m pretty sure I didn’t when I was four.

I still am not using the digital camera. These pictures were all on the same disposable camera I’d use then forget about, then use, then misplace. So it’s a lovely coincidence that it covers well the past few months of her life.

Happy birthday, Lydia!


Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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