12/12/12: The last time in your life, probably

12/12 is December 12, everywhere in the world. No doubt, no conflict.


Today is the last time for 88 years there will be a date as perfect as this one. At 12:12 today, I plan to stop and acknowledge it. If my daughter is alive on 01/01/2101, she’ll practically be 97. I’d be almost 148, so I’m not counting on that.

What is it about repeating number dates that’s so cool? As I’ve indicated previously, consecutive numbers are interesting, but they don’t mean the same thing worldwide. Next year, for instance, there will be 11/12/13; in the United States, that’ll be November 12. But in the civilized world (or the civilised world, if thou prefereth), it’ll be the 11th of December.

12/12 is December 12, everywhere in the world. No doubt, no conflict. Unified front, the world in agreement, when the world seems incapable of agreeing on much; and it’ll be nearly another century before we’ll all be in sync. If we survive that long. Isn’t that Mayan calendar doomsday thing supposed to be this month? Not that I believe it.

Lots of folks appreciate this specific date. This is Time for the Golden Age. And it’s a memorable date to get married.

The 12-12-12 concert for Hurricane Sandy relief from 7:30 pm (Eastern)-midnight.

(Happy birthday, GC.)

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

5 thoughts on “12/12/12: The last time in your life, probably”

  1. The Mayan thing is supposed to happen on the 21st. It’ll probably be as eventful as Y2K.

  2. I never realized the date, being 12.12.12. Yes the world is supposed to end on Dec. 21 for those who want to believe the Mayan’s knew more than we do.
    In numerology the numbers boil down to a 9, which is a leaders number. So take charge of the day! Make it work no mater what obstacle is there.cheers.

  3. Yeah, I had intended to recognize the significance of the moment at 12:12 also, but the day got away from me. By the time I looked at my watch, it was almost 1:30. Oh, well.

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