Sunday Stealing: Summer 2024

74F (23C)

Donna SummerSummer’s here, and the time is right for Sunday Stealing, summer 2024 edition. Of course, this is a Northern Hemisphere-centric quiz. Can those folks in Australia and Argentina remember the weather in January and February?

1. What is the hottest temperature you’ve seen this summer so far? 

To my knowledge, 95F (35C) on June 20. Some folks were actually excited about the possibility of hitting triple digits, but we fell short. The last time Albany, NY, reached 100 degrees F was September 3, 1953. 

2. What is your favorite summer beverage?

Arnold Palmer. The lemonade cuts the tartness of the iced tea, and the iced tea mellows the lemonade’s sweetness.  

3. Have you seen any fireflies/lightning bugs yet? Cicadas?

Fireflies, yes. The cicadas are in Ohio and southwest of us. 

4. What are the last three things you bought online?

A Mamas and Papas CD, a green case for my cellphone, and solar eclipse glasses. 

5. Where do locals go to cool off?

Pools, the malls, libraries, I assume.

6. Where did you buy your last postcard, and what was on the PC?

Not a clue. 

7. What’s your favorite summertime scent?

Other people’s barbecues. All of the enjoyment with none of the work or the calories.

8. What kind of a/c do you have – central, room, fans only, chillers, none and what temperature do you set it to?

First-floor air conditioning, c 74F (23C). Fans on the second floor. 


9. Do you have a summer vacation planned and if so, where are you really going??

Yes, and I ain’t telling you until it’s over. This has been my modus operandi since forever.

10. What are your favorite summer activities? 

Being indoors with air conditioning.

11.  What’s your favorite summertime food?

Deviled eggs, which I made for the church choir end-of-season party.

12. Did you ever go to summer school?

Actually, no.


13. What’s your favorite summertime memory?

Perhaps the 2011 trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto, and Peterborough, ON. But I wrote about vacations here.

14. Do you like fireworks?

Public fireworks, yes. Private fireworks that go off in my neighborhood about a month before and after July 4, decidedly not. I think those drone fireworks are interesting as it doesn’t terrify pets or some people with PTSD.

15. How do you feel about the longer days of summer?

Actually, the days are now getting shorter. When I started seeing light outdoors before 6 a.m., I was less than thrilled. Summer is probably my least favorite season.

I Feel Love – Donna Summer

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

6 thoughts on “Sunday Stealing: Summer 2024”

  1. Oh yes – the smell of a BBQ is amazing.

    I’ve been to Niagara Falls (from the Canadian side). It was amazing.

    In the UK we have one mad day for fireworks and that is November 5th, to “celebrate” the escape of King James I when Guy Fawkes and a few other plotters tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1606. Guy Fawkes is the figurehead and we have bonfires at night time with effigies of him which are thrown on the fire. And of course there are millions of fireworks too, which, as you say, make a hell of a racket and scare the pets.

    Oh well! I suppose some of our traditions are just crazy.




  2. We’ve had temps over 100 for about 3 weeks, the highest 112. I spend a lot of time enjoying our air conditioning!

  3. I get up at 5:00 a.m. every day so I LOVED that it was light when I woke up each day! It didn’t last long enough for me.

  4. My husband’s fave drink minus alcohol is an Arnold Palmer as well! In fact I just made a pitcher of it this morning!

    Love your answer about the bbq hahah good one! I do love that smell

    I love that it’s late at both end of my day.

    I’ve been to Niagara SO MANY times. First as a child, then like every few weeks when in college in Rochester. Then another time when I lived with a bf on Lake Ontario outside Rochester. Then again in 2002 when we camped with our then little girls at the niagara falls canada KOA and spent a week there doing all the things.

    ENJOY your vacation wherever it is!!

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