The Results of the Blue Jar Contest

My picks for the “How-To” Group Writing Project:

Eating Crow by Susan Wingate, the only “sure thing” based on the first read. She references murder and crows without going for the obvious “murder of crows” (a murder of crows is a collection of crows, cf. flock of sheep).
Contains Zero Trans Fat – Truth or Creative Advertising? by JoLynn Braley. Some of the info I knew, but there was enough that I didn’t to make it worthwhile.
Testing Lessons by Debasis Pradhan. I could care less about testing software, yet I was entertained enough.

There were others that interested me
Top 5 ways to romance your blog by Phil Van Treuren. Corny.
How To Nail That Job Interview In The First Thirty Seconds by Martin Stoddart, which was more about how not to blow the interview, but useful.
How to Have a Great Movie Experience by Em Dy, which was probably fourth.
What the hell is a column inch: How to advertise in a local newspaper by Angela, which I knew about, but was still utilitarian.
How to Sleep on a Plane by Sheila, much of which I knew, but still helpful. And one of the ones, I predict, will win something.
How to Become a Human Calendar by Luciano Passuell, mostly because of its earnestness about the ease of the process, which I didn’t find simple at all.

I also must say that I really dislike blogs where the ads show up before any of the content, but maybe that’s just me.


You Be The Judge

I entered this “How To” Writing Contest recently. I’m supposed to pick the three – I assume not including my own – that I like the best by next Tuesday. So, what I’m requesting is for you to tell me what YOU think is best; I’ll compare it with the five I’ve winnowed it down to. Please let me know what you think by Monday, September 24 at 9 pm Eastern Time. There’s only one “lock” in my mind – do you want to guess which one? – so feel free to try to persuade me.


Ramblin' with Roger
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