Don’t sell tickets to your 55-inch TV Super Bowl party

Michael Powell admits that he wasn’t terribly outraged by seeing a woman’s breast for 9/16ths of a second,

All you football freaks: the National Football League can be rather fussy about your Super Bowl party. From Now I Know:

Unless you’re a sponsor of the NFL or the Super Bowl, you may want to pass on using the words “Super Bowl.” The NFL and its lawyers don’t take kindly to such commercial use, seeing it as a violation of their copyrights or trademarks… many advertisers simply don’t use the term “Super Bowl.”Typically, the euphemism of choice is the “Big Game,” a term which adequately describes the Super Bowl without likely running afoul of intellectual property law.

But if you’re showing the Super Bowl on your TV to anything but a select group of friends, you may want to make sure the Big Game isn’t too big. That is, if the television is larger than 55 inches — that’s about 1.4 meters… the NFL may not take too kindly to what you’re doing.

Dan Lewis goes on to describe the Indiana church that got jammed up by the NFL in 2007. This reminded me that MY church had an extra-large screen when we had a Super Bowl party in 2004.

I liked Janet Jackson, especially in her Control/Rhythm Nation days, back in the 1980s. Still, fortunately, or unfortunately, I was out of the room for much of the halftime festivities, including Janet with Justin Timberlake, so I missed, on what was more like thrice the diameter of the forbidden size, Janet’s “wardrobe malfunction” that garnered over a half million complaints to the FCC.

Strange too that the TV reporters spoke either not at all about it or in terms so cryptic, I had no idea what had happened until the next day.

Michael Powell, son of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, was the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission at the time of “Nipplegate…” Today, Powell admits that he wasn’t terribly outraged by seeing a woman’s breast for 9/16ths of a second, but at the time he had to play the part.

There was a fine that matched in dollars the number of complaints, but it was later voided in the courts. Wow, that was a decade ago?

In any case, I’ll watch the game today, but I’ll record it too, just in case something… interesting happens.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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