Ramblin’ Thoughts-11/10/2005

Ramblin’ Roundup: Things that won’t generate a whole posting, but that are on my mind:


Lydia’s persistent cold- 3 ½ weeks of varying conditions: runny nose, cough, sneezing. She was home for a week, has been to the doctor twice, Is now on antibiotics. Yet she is generally in good spirits (except on Tuesday, when I think she had teething pain).

A friend of mine had an episode of TIA. I must admit that I had no idea what TIA was, unless it was referring to the Travel Industry Association of America or the Toy Industry association. Best wishes to Deb.

One of the members of my church choir was hit by a truck on Central Avenue (Route 5) in Albany last week. She had to have hip replacement surgery and will require quite a bit of rehab. A speedy recovery to Lucille.

I’m happy to note that my minister is out of the hospital, after having some neurosurgical procedure. Joe’ll be back in the saddle in a couple weeks.

Benjamin: my friends from choir, Britany and David had a baby on Friday, a boy weighing about 6 ½ pounds and measuring at 2o inches. Family was already home on Sunday. Bethany is now a big sister. I’m very happy for them all.

In re: birthing, our birth class teacher Emily is on the front cover of today’s Metroland. The daughter of one of my co-workers goes to school with Emily’s son Arlo, something I didn’t know until today.

Darrin & Suzy-my boss and his long-time girlfriend are engaged to be married next year. Congrats.

Give blood- that’s what I did yesterday, time #111.

A story even too too wacky for Greg Burgas!


Election Day-yes, the incumbent mayor won in Albany, but only one of his three picks for school board. And my friend Judy was one of the winners, no doubt because of my lawn sign. (Does ANYONE vote as a result of lawn signs?)

My friend Mark wrote: “Is it just me, or is there something ironic with having both of the following headlines in the same box on MSNBC?

  • WP: Bush orders ethics training for staff (which is no longer on the page—hmmm)
  • Cheney urges exemption to torture ban for CIA

    I have a PDF of what purports to be Rosa Parks’ funeral service, which I will e-mail to anyone woho wants it. It’s nice.


    A science fiction/comic book/fantasy/rock & roll covention in Springfield, MA this weekend, featuring Leonard Nimoy, Peter David, John Wetton and John Hebert.

    And speaking of comic book artist Hebert, he writes: “Go to the attached and check out the cast and crew notes…look for a familiar name in both of which, then go to the production photos and look very closely…you may see a familiar face and vehicle…..”

    A bit late for Halloween, but there’s always next year: How Zombies Work

    Ruth Harrison, Reference Librarian- this is a relatively recent segment on Garrison Keillor’s A Prairie Home Companion radio show. She kicks butt, as one would expect a librarian to do.

    JEOPARDY!-there’s a woman on from Salt Lake City who won for five days. (They’re now in the college tournament for two weeks.) It took Alex all of four days to invoke the name of SLC resident and 74-day champion Ken Jennings. Please make him stop.

    It’s Don’t Bring Your Dogs to Work time.

    Rock & roll feuds: Yoko Ono apologized to Paul McCartney for suggesting his music is vapid. Mike Love is suing his cousin and former fellow Beach Boy Brian Wilson over some fool thing having to do with Beach Boy album given away in relationship to Wilson’s SmiLE album.

    Everything you need to be a working actor

    Scanner-I bought one from a church sale a week and a half ago for $3; still haven’t gotten around to installing it. When/if I do successfully, there are things I want to share with you all.

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