
I’ve been away this week, which I’ll tell you about soon. So it’s been tricky trying to post, both in terms of time to write and Internet access. Thus, this late night musing:

Last week, I saw a woman named Jeanette who used to be in church choir with me. I don’t know that I’ve seen her since Lydia was born, or shortly therafter.

Also, I saw this woman Jennifer, with whom I used to play racquetball, for the first time in at least three years.

My old boss, Michelle, who has been living in Chicago, New Hampshire and Bermuda since I last saw her in 1994, popped into town a couple weeks ago, as did my high school friend Jon, last seen by me at his wedding in 1990.

There were a couple others as well.

And of course, I saw Fred and Lynn, but at least I helped initiate that. These others all unexpectedly showed up. Likewise, Carol went to see her friend Kathy for the first time in seven years.

It’s probably the convergeance of all of these items that prompted me to call my old friend Susan (or not so old, she insists) after losing her phone number, twice; I last spoke to her in 1999.

I remember reading a truly terrible book called the Celestine Prophecy a number of years ago. It was awful, but it was a page-turner, and I finished it in about a day. It had some mumbo jumbo about nine “insights,” the first of which was (and I’m paraphrasing here from a book I haven’t seen in at least seven years): “Everything happens for a reason.” It’s not dissimilar to a line in the play “Boys in the Band”: “There are no accidents.”

So, my question to you, or the universe, or whatever: Why have I seen so so many people in August 2005 that I had not seen in years? What is the purpose? If it’s a sign, what does it signify?

Ramblin' with Roger
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