
The front page of this past Monday’s local paper said that the weather here will be as miserably hot and humid as it has been in the rest of the country yesterday and today; it was right. You want great insights? Not here today. Instead, I’ll play that blogger game, “How did people arrive at my site?”

Of the past 100 hits, three of them came from Lefty Brown , two from Chris Black and one each from Fred Hembeck, Scott at Scooter Chronicles and GayProf at Center of Gravitas . Also The Remembering Site has a link that says: “We are pleased to thank the following groups for their help in publicizing The Remembering Site”.

I’m not sure which Lynn Moss the searcher was looking for, but they found Fred Hembeck’s wife.

New Baseball Hall of Famer Effa Manley drew some traffic to
this post this link. Search terms were: Effa Manley sexual (mine was the first hit, as was “effa manley” abe sexual). I also got a hit with “Bertha Ford Brooks”, who was Effa’s mother.

The search “richard powell”albany ny got me this post about family history, probably picking up my father-in-law.

I got two hits for “Bianca de la Garza”; she is the FOX 25 reporter in Boston, and who has some “hot media babe” fans. She interviewed me just before I was on JEOPARDY! That same post was accessed when someone typed in Glenn Kagan, who works on the show.

You can probably guess which recent post came from this search: linda Ronstadt Ann Savoy Adieu False Heart.

Typing in lyrics of dumb and dumber songs- boomshakalaka got one this.

My recent “Al Gore movie” review was accessed when someone typed
radio show about moving or relocating to tennessee

But by far, the post that CONTINUES to generate the most traffic are two:
this one about nearly 3000 Rogers in show business:
Roger Lee Lefkon and roger verbor got those individuals
RUMRILL IVY BALLS got Roger Rumrill, Poison Ivy
roger stein neville brothers got Roger Stein, Roger Neville
baron lieven gevaert got Roger Baron
love is all got roger glover
“The Perpetual Twilight of Gregor Black” got the movie’s editor, Roger Buck
and there were a lot more

The other hot link was the GRAPHIC of a cell phone on this post, and I don’t know why.

Oh, I found this new search engine KartOO, which is “a metasearch engine with visual display interfaces. When you click on OK, KartOO launches the query to a set of search engines, gathers the results, compiles them and represents them in a series of interactive maps through a proprietary algorithm.” I have no idea what that means, but I’m in there.

The funniest thing I discovered, search engine-wise, is that if one types in roger in, this site’s is in the top 10. Most curious.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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