Ask Me Anything, September Equinox Version 2006

Since today or tomorrow is the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere depending on the time zone, and the first day of spring in the Southern Hemisphere:

Once again, it’s time for that exciting opportunity to ASK ROGER ANYTHING. This does two things: it gives you the opportunity to make my life miserable by forcing me to respond to queries, whether they be mundane or profound. And I learn something new about you.

I expect that certain people will retaliate, or rather respond, because, when they’ve asked the question, I try to ask them whatever happens to be on my mind.
A couple people, for instance, were asked, “Why is there air?” I happened to have been thinking about a Bill Cosby album of the same name, in which Cos’ brilliant college girlfriend went around asking questions such as that. Bill’s response: “To blow up volleyballs, to blow up basketballs. Every phys ed teacher knows why there’s air!”

It’s funnier in the delivery.

Last time he posed it, I discovered that Tosy and I share a pet peeve: “People who think they are more important than others. Line cutters. People who are too good for certain tables at restaurants. People whose e-mails are ALWAYS flagged as ‘important.’ Those people.” Yeah, I often fantasize about those people in untoward ways.

Sample question #1: On your way home from work, you bump into God and get to ask one question or make one statement. What do ya do?
Sample answer #1: I had this good friend for about a decade, then suddenly we don’t talk. What the heck happened?

Sample question #2: Toilet paper: over or under?
Sample answer #2: I really don’t care.

Well, you get the idea. You may pose the questions in the comment section of this here blog or e-mail me, if you’re the shy type.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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