I was reading Steve Gerber’s blog when he noted that singer Robert Goulet has the same disease that he does, only more severe. A couple letter-writers debated Bob’s coolness; Steve stayed out of the fray. For the record, I’ve long stopped worrying about what’s cool.

A couple bloggers I know faced ridicule by admitting publicly that they liked the movie Jersey Girl; I’ll withhold their names to protect the guilty. I never saw it, so I really can’t say if it’s as awful as some people think.

I am aware, however, of what others think are uncool. So, my question: what songs, movies, TV shows, books, whatever, do you think others think are uncool, but you like them anyway? No movie or book come to mind, but I do have a vague recollection of actually liking My Mother, The Car. (I was young.)

Music, on the other hand, I have some strong candidates. And they’re not songs; they’re bits of songs:
The piano intro of Could It Be Magic by Barry Manilow. Hey, he copped it from Chopin.
The strings at the end of I Haven’t Got Time For The Pain by Carly Simon.
The tight vocal segment “not quite a year since you went away” from Rosanna by Toto.
The “I’ve been looking for an answer” part of I’ve Been Waiting So Long by Chicago.
Almost any pop song with backed by a black church choir -I Want to Know What Love Is by Foreigner; Lay Down (Candles In the Rain) by Melanie; actually the latter IS virtually the whole song.

How uncool are you?

(Image copped from here.)
Based on a conversation I had on a bus yesterday, there are a lot of people who think that Daylight Saving Time ends tomorrow. Their calendars even say so. That would be incorrect. It has been moved to NEXT weekend. So don’t be an hour late tomorrow; it’d be uncool.


Ramblin' with Roger
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