Information: Ask Roger Anything

Always look for the duck

AskI received a letter from my former employer. It indicated that their information may have been hacked. That is to say, MY name and Social Security number likely had been compromised.

To rectify the situation, I had to sign up for something called Experian ID Works. I’ve lost track; this is the fifth or maybe the seventh time that my data has been breached.

Meanwhile, my wife was Googling for information about our house. She found these mysterious random sites such as Rehold. This has information that indicates the previous owner from 2000 still lives at the property. And Gwen Powell has never lived at this address, though we used to get mail for her. The Ellenbogens, who died in 2005, are listened as our neighbors.

Nuwber wants us to cough up money for more data. But the free stuff indicates an Annette Green as a relative, who doesn’t exist. It says I have lived in Schuylerville, NY; that is incorrect.

Not incidentally, this is why I get grumpy with people who think they can just Google the answer to all of life’s questions. Search for a restaurant and you get the GrubHub page for the said eatery.

You know the drill

I’d suggest if you really want to know more about me, just Ask Roger Anything. Don’t take that second-hand nonsense. And I’ll give it to you for free!

I’ll answer your questions, probably within 30 days. You are requested to leave your questions, suggestions, and interpolations in the comments section of the blog. OR you can also contact me on Facebook or Twitter. On Twitter, my name is ersie. Why ersie? Why not? Always look for the duck.

You may remain anonymous, or preferably pseudonymous, but you need to tell me that. E-mail me at rogerogreen (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or send me an IM on FB and note that you want to be unnamed. Otherwise, I’ll attribute the queries to you.

Ramblin' with Roger
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