I Dream of Geena

When I feel a little unwell, I tend to have very vivid dreams. One dream last night was of me in a bus, about 3/4s of the way back. The bus has no driver and is careening out of control, but I manage to stop it from my seat (mentally?- shades of Professor X) by directing it up a rocky incline, where it comes to a stop.

Another dream I had was one in a series I call the Television Episode Continuation or TEC dream. This involves watching a TV show just before I go to bed and the story from the show continues, this time with me in it. This used to happen a lot when I used to watch “Cagney and Lacey,” for some reason, usually the domestic stuff between Harvey and Mary Beth Lacey. Last night, I watched a taped episode of “Commander-in-Chief” from about a month ago, and I found myself inside Mac’s White House, discussing strategy about the Russians. It’s only the third time I’ve seen the show, and while I like it well enough, it’s not my favorite show or anything.

If I were casting my life story, Geena Davis would definitely play my wife. Carol’s hair is darker, but they are both very tall. That doesn’t explain, though the TEC phenomenon.

Anyway, I’m a little better now, not racquetball-playing better, but “go-to-work-and get-rid-of-192-emails-and-7-phone-messages” better.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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